Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Your Own Back Yard...

And then I remember that I, too, am doing Good Works, right here in my own back yard. I am raising two girls, pretty much alone, and caring for other people's animals. I carried my injured dog for almost 2 miles out of the woods, and she knows this. She thanks me daily. I help my friends often, and I try, I really TRY to be kind and giving every day, in as many moments as I can remember to do so.
I had a dream last night. One of those vivid and Real ones, and it brought to the surface some memories that bring a poignant thread to my day. When I dream vividly about people I miss, it brings them close, so close I can see and touch them, and then with the morning light, they vanish, leaving behind the feelings, and renewing the loss. Somehow, taking my limping dog for a walk in the cold morning light helped. It put distance and perspective on the shimmering seams of remembrances. This is who I am now. This is my life NOW. And I need to step into it wholly and fully and embrace even the feelings of wanting to be someone else, to do something else, and I need to let that sit and just Be for a while.
One foot in the past, one foot in the future...
I need to put both feet firmly on the ground Here and Now, and recognize the magic that is in my own back yard. How about you?
Break the Spell-O-Da-Funk with this Daily Earworm: (cause Davey Jones is just so Delicious. Ah, my youth...:
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

The Boston Craft Beer Festival is in June. In Boston. Unfortunately, I am working both days. would be hella fun. Maybe you should go and tell me all about it. This beer RAWKS, though.

Hey, Ma! This place is in Pittsburgh! Go check it out for me!
World's First Zero-Cost Hybrid

Lion Sands...Oh, My!
"He thought about her. He looked at her. Every day on the slick, green seat, the last row, of a hot bus on the way home from camp. All tired, backs of heads dripping with lake water, shoes caked with creek mud, and sucking on pretzels handed out by the counselors, they would bounce on home.
Only once did they speak that summer. On the last, hot, sticky summer afternoon, visions of torpor, dazed on the ride. No one could hear them in the last row. But the words were spoken.
"Lisa, you have sleepies in your eye..." It was all he could muster from the reptilian brains he was working with at the time.
She took off her thick glasses, kicked the seat in front of her with her nasty looking Keds, and picked the crusty out of the corner.
And then, he couldn't believe it. She wouldn't.
She did.
She ate it.
And in that split second he felt more love for her than his little heart could comprehend.
It still haunts him.
40 years later." Me
Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

2 cucumbers, peeled and seeds removed
1 asian pear (may use regular pear, jicama, or apple)
1 small bunch cilantro
1/2 cup dried cranberries
the juice of 2 limes
4 scallions
1/2 cup olive oil
1 jalapeno pepper (FRESH)
salt and pepper to taste
Add pear, pepper, scallions and cilantro to large bowl with cucumbers, adding the lime juice, oil and spices. Toss in the cranberries and let marinate a few hours minimum. Best if left overnight!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Things One Should Not Shout Out Loud...

"Sweetie, do you want to gnaw on your balls?"
Ah, yes, the simple joys.
We are expecting thunderstorms today, which I adore, though not so much when I am walking dogs, which I am today. I am hoping that the serious ones don't roll in until after 2PM when I am finished.
This morning, on our "administrative walk" I noted that the poppy which was still in a tight bud yesterday had unfurled. GAWDS!!! I LOVE that color!!!!

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:
It is in the Earth's green covering of grass;
In the blue serenity of the Sky;
In the reckless exuberance of Spring;
In the severe abstinence of gray Winter;
In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame;
In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright;
In Living;
In the exercise of all our powers;
In the acquisition of Knowledge;
in fighting evils...
Joy is there Everywhere.
Rabindranath Tagore

My cocktail last night was most yummy!
2 oz Ruby Red Vodka by Absolute
Tonic water
lime wedge
frozen cherries
Monday, May 26, 2008
What a day...
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Photoshop keyboard skins from Photojojo
Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

Trees talk to each other at night.
All fish are named either Lorna or Jack.
Before your eyeballs fall out from watching too much TV, they get very loose.
Tiny bears live in drain pipes.
If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky.
The moon and the sun had a fight a long time ago.
Everyone knows at least one secret language.
When nobody is looking, I can fly.
We are all held together by invisible threads.
Books get lonely too.
Sadness can be eaten.
I will always be there.
from Raul at
Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:
3 cups addtional water
2 tablespoons oil (I used walnut)
2 medium onions
1/2 small bag baby carrots or 3 medium carrots diced
1 medium sweet potato diced
1 to 2 chicken sausages (I used the organic chicken/garlic ones from Whole Foods, these are optional, of course)
1/2 bag lentils
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon ground cumin
optional: 3 tablespoons nut butter (I used cashew)
sea salt to taste
Cook the onion, carrot and sweet potato in the oil until just tender. Add the broth, remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 30-40 minutes. Serve with steamed Jasmine, brown or basmati rice.
The Third Wave

Next was a trip to T.J. Maxx for these:

Back home for some work about the abode. And a nice long chat with my Mom. (**waves**).
Four o'clock means back to the lake for another 5 mile hike. (round three for the day) We got halfway around when I saw Lux come out of the water limping. Sure enough, she got a good sized gash on her paw pad and was bleeding. I CARRIED HER BACK TO THE PARKING LOT. over a mile with a 45 pound dog. Times like this I wish she was a Yorkie. She was sweet and gentle about the whole trip and did not squirm or cry. I popped her in the car and hauled out my First Aid kit. I washed off the cut with water and saline. I unwrapped a mini-pad (see! I told you they were great!!!) put on a dollop of antibiotic ointment and wrapped her foot and leg up with that rubberized gauze that sticks to itself. Home for a half a benadryl and dinner.
This morning she is still limping, and I will unwrap and soak her foot again this morning, then re-wrap with clean bandages. Hopefully, she won't chew and have to wear the Cone of Great Humiliation.

I will post again later, but for now, Lux is off to her crate and I am off to the woods with Lisa, Bomber and Bailey.
Friday, May 23, 2008

I have a French Barge worth of stuff going on internally these days. Lots of processing about parenting, which is very difficult right now. Also, I am fortunate to say that I have new friends winding into my life lately, and it makes me so happy to get to know them. I have one pen pal in the mid-West (Hi K.!) and my new buddy Lisa and her family and friends. It is fresh air breezing into my life right now, and it feels really good. Keen, in fact.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Daily Earworm: Selena Cross: I'm Not Lost
Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

One banana
handful of almonds
2 tablespoons Earth Balance Spread
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
2 tablespoons organic maple syrup
Slice the banana in thirds and then slice those pieces in half lengthwise. Cook the banana in the spread for three minutes then add the almonds. Continue to cook for additional 2 minutes then add the maple syrup, nutmeg and gently move the bananas and nuts around until coated. Serve warm.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Daily Earworm:

Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

Our "regular" limes are called Persian Limes. The recipe below is similar to key lime pie, but a little different, a bit more tangy and with a little added ZIP! from the ginger.
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
1 cup fine corn flour
1/2 cup AP flour
1 tablespoon confectioners sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon grated rind of lime
1/3 cup walnut oil
Combine all in a bowl and work with fingers until it resembles coarse damp sand. Press into a springform pan lined with parchment paper. (I used the medium) Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove and cool completely.
1 can sweetened condensed milk (I know...I know...)
4 large egg yolks
the juice of six limes up to 1/2 a cup
1 teaspoon ginger juice (I used bottled ginger juice. You can find it at Whole Foods) Or reconstitute 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder with 1/2 teaspoon water.
Fill the pie shell with the filling and bake in the oven at 375 for an additional 15-17 minutes, until the top is lightly browned but not split. Allow to cool and dust with confectioner's sugar OR top slices with whipped cream.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday's Child is full of Spunk

Last night I finally caught the last episode of Cranford on repeat, nodding off slightly at the end, and I tumbled into bed and slept really well. Today is a doggie walking day, so I am off soon, but I wanted to stop in and throw a post at you.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

| EFUEL100 PRODUCTS The EFuel100 MicroFueler™ "The world's first portable, produce-where-you-consume, ethanol distiller. An easy to use, all-in-one unit. Just add the EFuel100 Feedstock Mix (EFuel100-FM, sugar and yeast) to the unit and press START--set it and forget it. In about 5-7 days, a tank full of Ethanol100 is ready to pump into your vehicle, using the built-in 50-ft retractable fueling hose. The MicroFueler is fully self-contained and self-monitoring. A convenient LCD display exhibits status and operating information. When pumping the ethanol, it operates just like a typical fuel pump at your local gas station. " |

Click here to learn more about Tim Keating: Rainforest Relief

Monday, May 19, 2008
Yawn, Stretch, Sip...

About a month ago I found some ground coffee in the Dented/Dinged bin at the store for 3 bux. It was a "fancy" variety, too, environmentally sound and fair trade organic. It is yummy. Now, at the bottom of the barrel, so to speak, I regret not taking more packs of it. I have made my way back to coffee slowly, and only one cup a day, else the dreaded jaw clench and leg jitters take over at night. I will say though, that I adore the ritual of coffee and tea, the gathering, the pouring of water, the steeping, the waiting, the first sip, walking around my neighborhood on "administrative business" with Lux on leash, coffee mug in hand, shuffling away in the morning sun.
This weekend was very busy. Our catering event at The Groton School went really well. What a gorgeous campus!!! The meal was wonderful (if I do say so myself) and the people were relaxed and fun to serve. I got home after 11 PM, though, and considering my morning usually starts at 5:30 AM, weekend or not, I was pretty wiped out yesterday. I did manage to take Lux on her 2 hour hike later in the day when I had more energy, and a brisk 30 minute run before dinner. I am enjoying running again.
The weather here is phenomenal!!! Upper 60's and sunny with little to no breeze all weekend. Spring sure is Keen!
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

A personalized shopping site where you can choose vendors based on your needs and wants with regard to local products, environmental practices and impact and worker fairness.
Daily Ear Worm:

Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds "Stay or Leave" Live
WTF??? Category:

"The Ridemaster Pro simulates a real 15.2hh medium build horse. It allows the rider to ride to the screen in real-time. The horse is perfectly schooled and capable of doing advanced movements such as medium trot, medium canter, lateral work and rein back. The neck is movable and the leg aids are detected by ‘on the girth’ and ‘behind the girth’ sensors. All movements are mathematically correct."
Maybe the company who manufactures this can make me a Ridemaster Pro boyfriend? Now THAT would be worth it, right there, yessireebob.
Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

Your Daily dose of Wicked-Good Food:
Strawberry Protein Shake
1 handful of strawberries
1 Tablespoon honey
1/2 cup silken tofu
1 cup fat free milk
1/2 banana
1 tablespoon of nut butter ( I used cashew)
Place all in blender and blend until smooth.