
Monday, January 14, 2008


Image by guessed it, SNOW

Yup. Lots. Like, ah.........8 inches so far and it is only 11AM. At the rate of 1 1/2 inches per hour, this storm is set to end in our area around 2 PM, after having left close to 15 inches. I spent an hour shoveling outside with Emma pouncing in snowbanks. A *very* cute plow guy topped off the end of my drive, scraping me clear of his previous deposit. I always say T'is a Nice Man, who cleans up after himself.

I am exhausted, in that shaky, owie, time for Aleve and a hot pack kinda way.

Emma and I are retreating to the down comforter to watch a movie.

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Snow in NYC circa 1800

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:


Your Daily Inspiring Words:
Eat lots of carbs before you shovel the SNOW.

Your Daily Wicked-Good Food: