The Power of History

Yesterday was the anniversary of the Pemberton Mill Fire. Around 6PM last night I went to the mill. I approached confidently, as I had done some meditative work prior to arriving, in essence, asking permission and stating my desire to honor and commemorate the day for those lives lost and torn apart by the immediate fall of the building and the subsequent fire. I don't know why this event speaks to me so deeply. I have long since given up trying to figure the "why" of that emotional connection, and just respect that it is present for me.
The entry to the mill is a small metal bridge over the canal. One is immediately taken through a small drive between two other mill buildings. It was dark, and the lot was full of holes and debris. I wended my way around the back of the buildings and finally arrived at my destination.
Upon leaving my car I was struck by the vision of over 200 black crows sitting in two trees beside the Pemberton Mill. They did not caw. The fluttered about silently, but for the flapping of the wings, and they would shift from tree to tree. I stopped and thanked them for being there, for allowing me to be there, for showing up.
I left a stone I painted with the date January 10, 1860 at the base of the Pemberton Mill building which was re-built on the previous site. I lit some sage and said some private words and watched the smoke rise up the side of the building to the corner where the roof lines met. Immediately after my final words were uttered the tower bells from the adjacent mill struck the hour, 6 loud and deep chimes.
On the way out, I spoke to the Ravens again, and left, grateful for the experience. As a photographer I have some rules of conduct, and one of those, to date, has been that I do not photograph cemeteries. After some serious thought, though, I am thinking about the possibility of taking my camera to the mill in the Spring. It calls to me for some reason. Perhaps there are some ethereal folks who want a portrait.
Long winded preamble, I know, so let's hop right into the keen pool.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Really Keen Paper Art Installation
Star Wars Food!! I am such a Geek...I found these on the intarwebzez somewhere. Unfortunately, I am unable to credit them to the person who took them, but, damn, what a cool idea...

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

(images via NYPL Digital Database)
Jules Auguste Habert-Dys artist (1850-1924)
Horn Tooting:

I created this color palette and background sample using the image by James Sowerby.
The background image is the same. By tweaking the placement of the colors within the code, I was able to create very different feeling patterns.
Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to that. -Joseph Campbell
Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

Sophia Carneros Pinot Noir from Francis Coppola. Francis, well, he is a hell of a director. And his daughter, Sophia, is amazing in her own right. This gorgeous bottle of wine contains a very flavorful, medium bodied and semi-dry pinot noir rose. I partnered this with the gnocchi that I wrote about a few posts ago. It was delightful. Hints of berries and citrus give way to a bright and lingering finish. Great with food.
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