What the HECK?

Image by Me: "Foundlings" series
I don't know about you, but 46 inches of snow in December followed by 61 degrees in January is really tweaking with my head. I love both, don't get me wrong, but this rapid change is distressing. I feel like I am walking around in a dream world. I remember a few Aprils ago when it snowed 27 inches on April 1st. At least it isn't molten lava pouring down from the skies, or comets hitting the planet. I know this is relatively minor on the Scale of Shift, but, really do I *need* to use my brain to decide if it should be ICED or HOT coffee this morning??? No. I think not.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Rome! Visit in a New Way!
I am not sure why this seems so Cool to me, but it does. Something about seeing the old engravings, the vision of the distant past, juxtaposed with the current view, is simply magical to me. Visit this site and see the old images partnered with the new. Ah! Rome! Someone pass me some mortadella, please.

Oliver Jeffers: The Incredible Book Eating Boy
One of my favorite books as a kid was "The Boy Who Ate Flowers". More recently, for my own children, I got "My Little Sister Ate One Hare" I am clearly ill. I like books about kids eating objects. There is something really twisted about that. Food Fetish gone wild. Cool, nonetheless.
Your Daily D ose of Wonderful Design:

Where others saw an old barn, they saw a home.

Oh. My. Gawd! I want one. NOW.
Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of a man is to live, not to exist.- Jack London
Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:
Okay...don't freak out or anything but...
Bacon and Cashew butter Sandwich

I used Ezekiel raisin bread for this.
I also used Turkey bacon and very yummy unsalted organic cashew butter.
So, all in all, it is higher in protein than most Peanut butter and what-not sandwiches. And, well, much more delightful. Call me a freak, but I just LOVE it!!
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