Of Frost and Flowers

Image by Me:Mini altar to Spring
This morning there is a crystalline glaze on everything. It makes even the mundane look magical. I stood for a while staring at a white vehicle, covered in sparkles. It could have been part of a Disney movie. The ground is hard this morning, and even though the temperatures are to reach the 50's today, presently it is near 30. I will be heading out to the woods in just a bit for our morning hike. Yesterday in the woods I saw so much growth and change. Swamp cabbages grow before my eyes, fiddle head ferns are starting to poke up, and the moss is going crazy. The streams which lead to the lake are bubbling along, and there is foam on part of the beach of the reservoir, left over from a weeks worth of wind pushing the calm into a choppy wake.
The ducks and birds are doing their mating dances and singing beautiful songs in the trees, small birds flitting about from limb to branch, teasing and cajoling. Deer prints show much activity as well, each day bringing more to the muddy edge of the water.
And skunks are often seen waddling about on our evening walk. Skunks are merely very interesting squirrels to Lux. Squirrels are the reason she was born, or so she thinks. Personally, I think she was born to sleep with her head on my pillow, sighing deeply in the middle of the night. But, that's just my opinion. She just thinks my bed is really Keen. So do I.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:
The ducks and birds are doing their mating dances and singing beautiful songs in the trees, small birds flitting about from limb to branch, teasing and cajoling. Deer prints show much activity as well, each day bringing more to the muddy edge of the water.
And skunks are often seen waddling about on our evening walk. Skunks are merely very interesting squirrels to Lux. Squirrels are the reason she was born, or so she thinks. Personally, I think she was born to sleep with her head on my pillow, sighing deeply in the middle of the night. But, that's just my opinion. She just thinks my bed is really Keen. So do I.
Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:
Drop Clock
New Coin Design
Your Change is Changing
Image by Charles Weeds, circa 1864
"A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe." Wayne Dyer

Your Change is Changing
The Biggest Coin Event in British History Since Decimalisation
"The coinage of the United Kingdom is changing. Familiar designs that have served us well for almost 40 years will be replaced by a new set of designs, contemporary in treatment yet grounded in the traditions of the coinage. Now, in a new age, the time has come to rejuvenate the coinage by seeking designs that treat traditional symbols in an innovative and modern way. The series that has been chosen brings new life to the coinage and, like the decimal designs 40 years ago, draws inspiration from the very fabric of British history."
Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

"A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe." Wayne Dyer
Cranberry-Orange Relish
1 bag cranberries
1 cup organic cane juice sugar
1 orange: zest of 1 orange plus segments
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon almond extract
8 anise stars
water to cover
Put the whole mess in a pot and boil for about 40 minutes until everything is syrupy and mooshy. I served mine with fat free yogurt and applesauce. Yummy and good for you, too!
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