
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tired of Political Ads? Plus a Weekend Update!

Nietzche Political Ad

Okay, I have been laughing all morning (but, then again, I do have a degree in Philosophy) and cooking...and hiking in the snow. Alas, I was without my favorite canine companion, as we had a storm and her people decided not to go away this weekend. But, I DID get to meet 2 new doggies in the woods today, one, a Rhodesian Ridgeback (one of my top favorite breeds), and the other a lab mutt, whose people, it turns out, just called the service for which I work, requesting a late afternoon walk tomorrow. I hope I get it! He is a seriously fun dog!

Yesterdays lunch was miso soup with scallions and thinly shaved filet mignon. Tres Yummi. Today's lunch was a small fillet of salmon, red rice and zucchini. I am now staring at a Cuke-asaurus, or a Horned Melon as it is known to some. I am about to go on a culinary adventure!

Also on today's docket has been laundry, cleaning, and putting my forced paper whites in different containers because they are top heavy and were falling over. I have been sipping masala tea today, warm and spicy. I have been reading and doing some studying, too, as I am trying to beef up my skills in Pre-flight (a graphics term meaning the packaging and pre-testing of your document before you send it to the printers...stuff like making sure all the fonts are downloaded, and the images are linked correctly, the colors are standard print tones).

Yesterday was post-processing and then building the graphics and document template for a manual I am working on for a client. Lots of making BIG pictures TINY. I started a flier for someone else, too. I was head to computer for most of the day yesterday.

So, it has been a quiet yet busy weekend alone with my kitties. Said kitties decidedly do NOT like the new, weight control food I got for them. I would like to hope that when Spring comes they will then be able to FIT through the door. At present this is highly unlikely.

They seem remarkably agile at 4 AM when they choose to bat stuff off of my nightstand and run about in hopes that I will awake and feed them the OLD food...remember that old food?...That yummy, fattening stuff? That's what they want. And lots of it.

Furry Hedonists, I say.