
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Snowy Winter Morning

Images by Me: My walk this morning

I awoke this morning to a fresh, albeit light, covering of snow!! This always makes me happy! I took off with my camera to one of my favorite walking spots, Weir Hill, in my town. It was quiet, and cold and very, very pretty. Just me, the snow, and my camera. My fingers got cold, though, and digital cameras don't work too well in cold, so I only shot about 20 images this morning. These are my favorites.

The tummy flu has been working it's way around my house. Both kids have missed 3 days of school in the past week, not concurrently, of course. High fever, sore throat and upset tummy seem to be the symptoms running through the schools. The nurse at school told me they had dismissed 70 kids on Monday. Needless to say, I am washing my hands like crazy, drinking lots of water and antioxidant laden teas, and trying to stay balanced. So far so good!

Yesterday I paid myself. In doing my bills, I managed to retire 2 credit card debts this week, and I am getting closer to finishing off another soon. I got a nice check from a client, paid some bills, including some of that debt from last January, and I spent the rest on some new photography equipment. I ordered another Alien Bee strobe, a new light stand, and a new medium sized softbox. My work has been picking up, and this influx of new stuff was really needed. So, yay for me! Next up is a new and faster lens, but those are *expensive* (over 1K) and I must wait until after SAT prep class is paid for, and a few other things.

Today is a dog walking day! And I get to see Emma!!! I am so happy about this! Then I have an appointment in the afternoon with a client. Tonight I am doing the post productions on the shoots from yesterday, and building a manual with those images. I am really excited, because this project involves a really wonderful design for something that will help many people undergoing surgery.

My chef boss contacted me to say that weddings are getting booked for next summer, and so far it is looking busy. Yay! Wedding season is always lucrative and fun.

Speaking of fun...

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

I think this is just so cool! I love the thought that someone in the Philippines is looking at my blog. Maybe I just don't get out enough, but, gee, I think it is really amazing that someone that far away would find me, and read me. I think I am up to 27 countries now.

Go check out the rest of this image. Simply astounding. Oh, I wish I had been there!


Your Daily dose of Wonderful Design:

Oh so cute birdie stuff!

Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

What meaning do you want your life to represent a day from now? A week or even a year? What do you want your name to mean when anyone hears it? What images do you want your behavior to conjure up in someone's mind and heart? When we think about how we show up in the world to ourselves, to our loved ones, to strangers...I hope it gives us pause. Thinking about how we show up is a step in self-awareness, self-choice, self-love. It isn't meant to make us paranoid but it is meant to wake us up to the choices we make unconsciously. - Rhonda Britten, life coach and author of "Fearless Living"

Your Daily dose of Wicked-Good Food:

My local favorite wine store is redecorating. I noticed a huge sign in the window speaking to their 30% sale. As if I needed another reason to go in a grab a bottle of something. Wednesday night at my household is Mommy watches Ghost Hunters night. This is usually accompanied by a glass or three of wine. On average, I have a few glasses of wine once or twice a week. Antioxidants are important you know! *cough*...

This wine did not disappoint. I am a fan of syrah, in general, and so I grabbed this and took it home. The color was deep and purple, and the aromas of leather and plum were evident from the first sip. I thought that it had a nice acid balance, and nice fruit flavor with a medium length finish ( that is how long the sensation and flavors last in your mouth after swallowing). All in all I would recommend this wine for anyone fond of rich and round reds.