
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feelin' Springy!


Image by Me: Kitties!

It reached a balmy 60 degrees here in Boston yesterday. My cats were in and out and in and out and in and out all day. I managed to capture this image as they simultaneously sniffed the windowsill. I slept last night with my windows open wide. I cannot sleep in a warm space, and I simply adore the feeling of open windows when I rest, the air streaming in gently, the sounds wafting in. I would rather pull on another blanket and keep the window propped than not.


Last night I watched Jim Jarmusch's "Mystery Train" and was smiling most of the night. That man knows how to capture the tiny things, the light, the sounds, the seemingly small background substance which is, in fact, visual metaphor. It was the second time in a few days when I have watched a movie where the director decided NOT to use subtitles during conversation in non-english dialog. With "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming!", the director specifically chose to lead the viewer to actually feel and see what was happening, and, to be honest, he told the viewer in the special features section, about some of the jokes that were actually going on in Russian. But, the truth is that precisely because we do not know the exact words spoken, viewers lean in and really "catch" the essence of the scene. Such was it for the movie last night as well. Much of the first half hour of the movie was in Japanese. It did not detract a bit from the story. In fact, it made it all the more thrilling for me. I hate being treated like an American Idiot, and most US films are blatant and spell everything out, use unnecessary dialog and clumsy metaphor. That is why I enjoy foreign films so much. They make me think. For me Jarmusch films are quirky, divine, and thought producing.

I caught my younger daughter watching a Spanish channel the other day. I smiled when she told me it did not matter that she did not understand the language. She said it was more fun that way. I think that is cool.

Speaking of which...

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:


Use Condoms: The Best Condom Ad EVAR!

New and Interesting Way to get rid of Carbon Emissions

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:


Green Design in Wedding Rings



Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:


"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure."- Joseph Campbell

Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:


I am hesitant to write this, but this wine is really quite tasty if you are one of those folks who enjoys a semi-sweet bottle of pink. I sold tons of this last year when I was working as a wine tasting coordinator for a distributor. Funny, though, men really hated the bottle design. But, I think Folornari had the right market picked out. This is neither elite, nor elegant, but if you are at a loss as to what to bring to a dinner party, grab it and go. Fresh berry fruit, a nice acid balance and a bright body go a long way for under 10 bucks.