Beauty, Change, Loss and Bounty
The past few weeks have been chock-full of all the title of this post alludes to. I have found gorgeous beauty all around me, in the breezes that blow about my body, with my arms stretched out wide, in a huge field, alone, being grateful and sad all at once. I have been trying to embrace loss and change, allowing the discomfort of that to wash through me, accepting with Grace that growth necessarily involves loss, death, and rebirth. I have experienced great bounty as well, with a promotion at work, increased time with friends old and new.
The air has changed over the past few days. Flowers and trees are behaving differently than just a week ago. Some are coming to an end, some are revving up for the big burst of Fall. The cicadas are making their sweet "swish swish swee" sound, a harbinger of the oncoming season (my favorite!).
I have been a busy bee lately. My main client has asked for three-fold increase in my schedule, which means a lot more work, and a lot more money. I have finalized my daughter's finances for the first term. One of my dear friends, who has MS, is in mid-divorce and the heat of the summer has taken its toll on her health. I help her as best as I can. I also signed up for a Very Interesting Workshop in October, one I have wanted to attend for years. I have been going to Pot-Luck and Outdoor Movie Night in Jamaica Plain at a friend's house. And, I have taken lots of alone time to balance it all out.
Yesterday on a sales call in Bellingham, Mass, my cell phone was stolen. After getting over the feeling of loss, violation and anxiety, I drove directly to my neighborhood Verizon store and told them of my plight. The kind man there, James, said he would LOAN me another until my upgrade in November, thus saving me over 500 dollars. Not only THAT, but, it wasn't in the store at the time so he, get this...DROVE IT TO MY HOUSE, FULLY CHARGED, WITH ALL MY CONTACTS ON IT. Now, if *that* ain't manifesting Bounty I don't know what is!