Day Three: Sentinel Dome and Glacier Point
After breakfast the next day we went back to the Helpful Kiosk, hoping deeply in our hearts that Mr. Not So Helpful was not going to be sitting there again. We were pleased to find a woman named Starr sitting there, and not only was she helpful, but she frequently hiked the park and knew the trails personally. From the looks of Mr. Not So Helpful he knew precisely, and likely with his eyes closed, the trail to the vending machines. Starr suggested a few hikes for the day, namely Sentinel Dome, Glacier Point and Meadow. What the hell! Let's try all three!!!
So off we went, headed to Sentinel Dome first.
The lower dot is Vernal Falls, the upper dot is Nevada Falls
After catching our breath here we approached the dome and headed up.
This is one of my most favorite pictures from the trip.
We sat up there for a while, had a snack and generally got meditative. It is almost a religious experience being surrounded by all that beauty. In this last image you can see the smoke from the fire in the upper left.
Another cool thing we saw frequently was this moss/lichen on the trees. With all the grey and blue around us this brilliant green was so bright and vivid. It covered many branches, making them look furry.
Obviously, they have a railing now prohibiting such behavior nowdays, but Jesus H. Christ, it takes quite a set of balls to dance on that point!! One little gust and whooosh! you are over the edge.
The point does afford one of the best views of the valley floor in many directions, including the camping area, which you can see here.
Another cool thing we saw frequently was this moss/lichen on the trees. With all the grey and blue around us this brilliant green was so bright and vivid. It covered many branches, making them look furry.
The trail to Glacier Point is short, and well worth it, no matter how tired you are. Plus, they have a lodge there with drinks and food and bathrooms if you need them. It is a very popular stop, with many, many people there oohing and ahhing and taking pictures with Aunty, and Uncle and Brother and Sister and Grandpa and Grandma and all sorts of combinations thereof, so if you want a spot along the rail get you rbutt in there and claim it.
Obviously, they have a railing now prohibiting such behavior nowdays, but Jesus H. Christ, it takes quite a set of balls to dance on that point!! One little gust and whooosh! you are over the edge.
The point does afford one of the best views of the valley floor in many directions, including the camping area, which you can see here.
That pool is behind the pizza shop/lodge area of Curry Village, where we stayed.
More later about McGurk Meadow...
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