
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rest (redux with edits)

Just back from an hour run about the lake with our new friend Lisa and her doggies. It was much fun chatting away as we went around the water, through the mud, in the misty woods at 7:30 this morning. Lux is currently in the above position, nose just peaking out of the blankets. I am cleaning up the kitchen, making pizza dough for Meredith's dinner while I am away at the dinner we are catering tonight. Next up is getting a bird cage ready to hand over to a friend who has lovebirds which need to be separated, a few phone calls, a shower and then off to work till 11 or so tonight.

I had a weird dream last night about my car. I sometimes have dreams where I can't find my car in a lot after coming out of somethingerother. This time, not only did I not find my car, but it turns out it was repossessed. Yikes. Must be having some issues about my Path and finances. Turns out I took quite a hit on a ill chosen path last year, and it is causing me concern at present. I am over most of the emotional aspects of that experience, but still have some wrinkles I am ironing out.

Needless to say, I will not be investing in anything aside from my own business for a while.

So, um, yeah...funny how those deductions just are definately **not** deductions despite being told they are deductions (edit: By a paid individual who was doing my pre-tax analysis). Guess I will just consider it a contribution to a good cause and let it go. 'Nuff said.

My kitties slept with me last night. Lux has been choosing to sleep in her crate lately, which is fine, cause she takes up lots of space on the full sized mattress, and hell, if I am gonna have anyone sleep in my bed I want to have a lot more fun. The girls are getting more comfy with Lux now, in fact, as I write this Belle is sitting on the table next to me in plain view of Lux, which is a HYOOGE deal. Sure, lots of racing about still happens, but they now know that if they walk by slowly she won't go after them. She wants to play, and them, not so much. Sometimes Suki will whap out her paw at Lux in play, repeatedly sticking her paw out from behind something. It is fun to watch.

Okay, off to get ready for tonight...back tomorrow with a Weekend Update!