
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Stardate log 3/1/2008...from the Bridge

Weekend Update:

I am sitting here in the dark. Recooperating from an amazing day catering an event in Westford. An extremely HOT shower followed by 2 glasses of wine and left-overs from (70 portions of) my Mac and Cheese with Bechamel Extraordinaire, One episode of Seinfeld, and Two purring kitties are topping the day. The snow this morning was gorgeous! The trees along the old New England roads with stone walls and old trees lining the way were coated with a soft eider of snow, like branches on a special cake, each limb frosted. The snow was drifting from a frozen pale sky. It was breathtaking.

So was the smoked salmon, but I digress...

A *very* busy week is now at an end, and sleep awaits. I arose at 5 this morning to shovel, and iron my chef's jacket (damn, the black one catches so much lint!), drink coffee,(yeah...shut up) birth a masthead (not to be confused with birthing a mastedon) and clear out my car so that it would easily take the extra stuff from the kitchen for the event this afternoon.

Drive to work. Load cars.(coolers, cambros, food, 5 cold packs, chafing dishes, equipment...lots of heavy stuff) Drive to event location. Unload cars. Set up kitchen. Finesse a finely catered event for 70, clean, pack and load gear into cars. Drive to kitchen. Unload cars. Drive home. Have shower. Drink 2 glasses of wine...

Fall down go boom.
