
Monday, June 8, 2009

The A La Carte Menu


Okay. So...yesterday I turned 50. For most, that is a 90 degree turn day into the dark tunnel of the Abyss of The Last Half, a milestone magnifique. And thusly I offer unto you the dating pond which is considered by some who browse craigslist. I mention, as an important edification, that I have found some wonderful things on CL. I found Andrea, and my chef job, many wonderful people, a hand drum, business clients, photography clients and computer, take this as a Certain Segment of the CL Population (Thai massage enticements aside, of course).

According to the above I should have many traits (or "trates" , eh?) I should be young, intelligent, thin, hip, cool, submissive, coffee drinking, web savy, computer literate, chattable with webcam, loyal, loving, small, white, shy, into oral, into Brittish slang, carbohydrates, and robots ( and for the record the mensch one required that I own at least one pair of black boots). I should be a little, sparky, running Gal. A reader, who is liberal minded and into black men. A breezy sorta of girl with a metaphysical side who Just Wants to Have FUN!!!!


And I thought *women* were picky about men.

But, when I think about it, yeah, that pretty much defines the Perfect Woman for a few guys I know.

Sad, that.

Also sad that I do not own a pair of black boots.