Whoa Nelly!
Last night was frigid in a "lookie how your boogers freeze when you lean over the popsicle freezer at the corner store!!!" sorta way. Did not deter me from stacking a load of wood in the bowl and lighting that match. A mug of Merlot in hand and my iPod on my ears, doggie pacing the yard for bones, rubbing my hands together, feeling the heat burn my shins as I inch closer and closer to the flames for warmth, I sat for about an hour, then I loaded on the Mother of All Logs and started to dance around. My neighbors are likely awaiting the shipload of lambs for the blood letting sacrifice this weekend.
Anyway, I spent plenty of time burning away that which is not needed, and taking in the joy of the fire, and trundled off to bed, smokey and hazy.
This morning before dawn Lux and I headed out for our Stroll du Matin.
I lost my balance for a week or so there, pulled in and out of tides, tossed upon the sands, coughing and sputtering.
Got my footing now.
More later. Right now I am seriously backed up with post-processing work and college admission flotsam and jetsam. Have a great day, y'all!
Cool Thing:
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