
Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh, Monday, how I dislike thee...

This weekend was pretty much a blur. We catered a lovely wedding for 60 at a Christmas tree farm in the southern part of the state. It was a gorgeous day, and the venue was wonderful (except for the fact that we had no kitchen and no potable running water). I love doing weddings. I enjoy cooking for people on their special days. I enjoy seeing the glowing bride and groom, the friends, family, loved ones there to participate and honor the bond. It makes me all mushy inside.

And, of course, there is always cake. And the cake this time was extraordinary. Completely vegan, three different flavored layers, gorgeous and very, very, very yummy. Each time I try a new cake I learn more about it's construction and what I like and don't like about different methods. Hopefully, we will crank out one of our own for our company someday. I would very much enjoy that. Getting paid well to play with food is just about the bestest job evar.

I came home late on Saturday night to a dog cranked up on Kibble. Apparently, the dog walker did not read my note, wherein I said her raw food was in the fridge in her bowl, so he just dumped kibble in her bowl. Lux was whining and pacing frantically from door to door ALL NIGHT LONG. And then came the itching, the gnawing on her flesh, the sudden jumping to "get at" whatever itch was coming down the pike next. I put on classical music, had a big glass of wine and tried to stay calm. There was really nothing much I could do aside from let it go through her system. Yesterday she was still pretty whacked, so we went to the beach for a few hours of running about, AND we saw horses!!! Lux was tired last night, and slept well, seems to be better, though still a bit itchy. Needless to say the left-over kibble goes to another doggie today.

The rest of Sunday? Naps, nice long phone conversations with loved ones, TV (I got to see the 1949 version of Oliver Twist!!!) walks, lots of cereal (too tired to cook) and early bed time. Keen for 24 hours. WANT MORE NOW. Alas, Weekend Keen has been downsized to Monday Morning Keen. Much shrinkage there, I tell 'ya.

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Brussels in Bloom (thanks to Andrea M. for sending me this link!)

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

What a Keen Idea!!!

Click Here for Danny Seo's blog, The Daily Danny.

I can always find interesting things to look at and think about with regard to eco-friendly decorating and design over here.

Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

"We think much less than what we know. We know much less than what we love. We love much less than what there is. And to this precise extent, we are much less than what we are" - R.D. Laing from The Politics of Experience

Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

2006 Cabernet from Gnarly Head

I know I reviewed the Old Vine Zin from these folks, but I stumbled upon the cabernet this weekend, and was more than pleasantly pleased. Usually, I find under 15 dollar cabernets to be thin and acidic or overly tannic, but this one, oh man! was it delicious! Cedar aromas, leathery notes along with full and developed cherry and berry fruit flavors, not too much oak and a nice finish make this wine a real winner! I went back for another bottle the next day, to save for Ghost Hunters night on Wednesday.