I have a love/hate relationship with chatting online. I love it because I have "real time" connection with someone. I hate it because you can't see their face, or get their tone of inflection. I love it because there is a snappy magical cadence to it. I hate it because words get tangled up sometimes and come out wrong. I love it because it can make someone's day. I hate it because in a blink of an eye, something typed can seem hurtful when it was not meant that way; there is less editing time. I love it because I can play with words. I hate it when I have an unarmed opponent. I love it when I have time to sit with some coffee and type phunni things. I hate it when I am busy working on something and someone pops into my day unexpectedly. I love it that I can stay connected to people who live far away. I hate it that people have, like, 10 chats open at a time sometimes and I feel like I am at the bottom of the pile. I love it when I can chat something lascivious to someone. I hate it that I can mistakenly send it to someone else I am IM'ing with who is, say, a conservative frothing nun or something. (Not really, but you get the idea)
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