
Monday, September 8, 2008

Howdy there, folks!

I think I speak for most of the state of Massachusetts when I say I am glad that we did *not* get the 7.5 inches of rain they expected us to get. We did get powerful rain and ferocious winds, though, and much of the fruit on the trees around here has been dashed to the ground. Yesterday was sunny for a good deal of the day, and my cotton sheets blew in the breezes, drying through the day. What a great smell!!!

The afternoons are cool and breezy, and sitting in my yard I can hear the guy down the street who plays jazz saxophone playing (incredibly well) every day. Lux and I went to the bird sanctuary this morning for a run and a swim. She came back really tired. And that is always Keen.

Your Daily Dose of Cool Things:

Um.....No, I don't think so...the label says safe for rectal use.

Oh, MY! Take a look at this video!:

Your Daily Dose of Wonderful Design:

Bike Furniture!!! How cool is THAT?!

Your Daily Dose of Inspiring Words:

Your Daily Dose of Wicked-Good Food:

Simple Pleasures Pluot Tart

Take 4 large ripe pluots (hybrid of plum and apricot) and slice. Toss in 1/2 teaspoon rice wine vinegar and 2 tablespoons honey. Place 1 and a half cups of brown rice flour in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons oil, 4 tablespoons rice milk (or juice) and a pinch of salt. Pour the sandy looking flour mix into a pie plate and press down with your fingers on the bottom and edges. Place the fruit in the pie plate and bake at 375 for about 25 minutes or until the edges of the crust are lightly browned. Serve with vanilla ice cream if you feel particularly decadent. And, really now, who doesn't?